Deep Anode Systems:
Design, Installation, & Operation
By: T. H. Lewis, Jr., P.E
The first single-source guide for designing, installing, and operating deep anode systems.
T. H. Lewis, Jr., P.E. This authoritative book is based on over twenty years of practical field installation experience together with a company-wide research and development program aimed at finding improvements in the design and installation process. Beginning with the first steps of gathering field data for a specific design and continuing through analyzing operational data to determine probable failure mechanisms, detailed techniques and methods are discussed for each step in the process. The book not only covers the mathematics of deep anode design, but also considers the practical aspects of the design and installation including equipment and materials selection.
This 129-page hard-back book is available though LORESCO International at a cost of $59.95 per copy plus shipping and handling charges. For immediate shipment, call or fax your order to LORESCO International at (601) 544-7490 or Fax (601) 544-7531. Visa and MasterCard are accepted.